Helpful San Francisco telephone numbers
Whether you are moving or just purchased a home in the City, these telephone numbers can be helpful in getting your services set up.Pacific Gas & Electric Co .......... 1-800-743-5000
Comcast (cable) .......... 1-800-945-2288
ADT (alarm company) .......... 1-800-366-7534
Police Department .......... 911 (emergency) / 553-0123 (business)
Fire Department.......... 911 (emergency) / 861-8000 (business)
Ambulance .......... 911 / 431-2800
Poison Control Center .......... 1-800-502-3387
Community Crisis .......... 885-7290
Neighborhood Parking Permits .......... 554-5000
Illegal Parking .......... 553-0123
Tow Away/Retrieve Towed Cars .......... 553-1235
Street & Sewer Repair .......... 695-2100
Voter Registration .......... 554-4375
Rent Board (170 Fell, Room 116) .......... 252-4600
Street Lighting (out of order) .......... 554-0730
AT&T (phone service) .......... 800-310-2355
MUNI Information (public transportation) .......... 673-6864
Sunset Scavenger (garbage) .......... 330-1300
Golden Gate Disposal .......... 626-4000
San Francisco Water Department .......... 550-4911
San Francisco Water Department (turn on/off) .......... 923-2400
Chronicle (S.F. Newspaper Service) .......... 777-5700
Warman’s Security (for new keys, etc.) .......... 775-8513
- Courtesy of SFResidence
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