// --> // --> San Francisco Real Estate - Residential: Fast Facts from CAR and Freddie Mac - September 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fast Facts from CAR and Freddie Mac - September 2006

These numbers show that sales slowed in September and rates went up slightly.

- Mick Orton

Calif. median home price - September 06: $553,050 (Source: C.A.R.)
(note: compared to $567,360 last month)

Calif. highest median home price by C.A.R. region September 06:Santa Barbara So. Coast $1,025,000 (Source: C.A.R.)
(note: compared to $1,190,000 last month)

Calif. lowest median home price by C.A.R. region September 06:High Desert $329,040 (Source: C.A.R.)
(note: compared to $332,900 last month)

Calif. First-time Buyer Affordability Index - Second Quarter 06:23 percent (Source: C.A.R.)

Mortgage rates - week ending 10/26:
  • 30-yr. fixed: 6.4%; Fees/points: 0.4%
    (note: compared to 6.4% and 0.5% points last report )
  • 15-yr. fixed: 6.1%; Fees/points: 0.4%
    (note: compared to 6.06% and 0.5% points last report )
  • 1-yr. adjustable: 5.6%; Fees/points: 0.7%
    (note: compared to 5.54% and 0.8% points last report )

- California Association of Realtors & Freddie Mac


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