// --> // --> San Francisco Real Estate - Residential: Many uses for Google Earth

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Many uses for Google Earth

On December 24, the Mercury News reported uses for Google Earth. We found the article most interesting:
For most of the 100 million people who have downloaded Google Earth, the biggest draw is the chance to look at 3-D satellite images of their homes, neighborhoods and favorite landmarks...

...The appeal goes beyond scientists and techno geeks. An online community has popped up around the product, with members sharing their own Google Earth images, discussing the environment, current events and travel, and even posting riddles for others to solve.

``It's 100 million people doing regular people things -- `Can I see the beach at that hotel?' `My daughter is going off to school. What does it look like?' They're just curious,'' said Michael Jones, chief technologist for Google Earth. He is one of the founders of Keyhole, the Mountain View-based digital mapping company that originated the technology before Google acquired it in 2004...

Read more.

- Christine Serventi


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