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Monday, February 11, 2008

Mortgage Weekly Update - Last Week in Review

Foster Weeks publishes a weekly mortgage report which is updated every Monday morning. How is this affecting the San Francisco real estate market? Read our weekly and monthly market reports.

"LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS." Slogan from World War II Not just clever words of good advice, this phrase was actually part of the US Office of War Information's attempt to limit the possibility of people inadvertently giving useful information to enemy spies. Now fast forward to present time, as Dallas Fed President Richard "Loose Lips" Fisher's careless comments last week worked to sink the Bond market, and caused home loan rates to rise about .125%.

Fisher lived up to his nickname last week, almost uncontrollably blurting out off-topic comments and rhetoric during his speech in Mexico City, and roiling the financial markets every step of the way. Long recognized as an "inflation hawk", he was the lone dissenter against the .50% cut to the Fed Funds Rate on January 30th.

Fisher stated, "Monetary policy acts with a lag. I liken it to a good single malt whiskey or perhaps truly great tequila: It takes time before you feel its full effect. The Fed has to be very careful now to add just the right amount of stimulus to the punchbowl without mixing in the potential to juice up inflation once the effect of the new punch kicks in. ...My dissenting vote last week was simply a difference of opinion about how far and how fast we might re-spike the monetary punchbowl. Given that I had yet to see mitigation in inflation and inflationary expectations from their current high levels...I simply did not feel it was the proper time to support additional monetary accommodation."...

Read the entire report here.

- Foster Weeks


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