// --> // --> San Francisco Real Estate - Residential: Reality Check – From Rick Turley

Friday, July 10, 2009

Reality Check – From Rick Turley

Presented by Janis Stone and SFResidence - San Francisco Real Estate:

This is a new column we will be featuring every week in a message from our President of Coldwell Banker, San Francisco Bay Area, Rick Turley.

The Rise and Fall of Interest Rates

As I’ve been in the offices over the past few weeks, I have received many positive comments on Reality Check and how impactful it has been with your clients. It is my goal to provide you with timely and pertinent information on key factors which affect our local real estate market. Hopefully these topics bring some clarity to Buyers and Sellers, especially when today’s consumers need it most.

One of the key elements that makes buying in today’s market so attractive is the relatively low interest rates available in our marketplace. But recently, as you know, interest rates have begun to fluctuate leaving many would-be buyers confused and wondering if they should wait.

That leads me to this month’s topic—interest rates. We met with Princeton Capital to get their view on the changing financial market. In collaboration with Brendon Riordan of Princeton Capital, we have created a Mortgage Q & A to share with your clients. This FAQ addresses today’s attractive interest rates and what the recent fluctuations may mean for a buyer...

Read the entire column here.


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